“Save the Birds” Fish Farms – An Unconventional Approach
As I sit at my desk contemplating the countless stories of horrific loss suffered by fish farmers over the years, plus my personal discussions with others interested in “protecting wildlife”, I feel compelled to report on a unique solution.
The fact is that Superior Aquaculture’s In Pond, Floating Raceway System™ is working hard today in many areas, sometimes preventing 100% bird predation and related loses. As a no-cost bi-product, the system is also preventing a huge annual loss from disease and wounding.
Conscientious fish farmers continue to face a challenging up-hill fight to protect their crops---especially in the face of the many imports and climatic shifts. Even with potential Returns On Investment (ROI’s) of less than a year, it can be tough to source the extra capital. So… not intending to be “over the top” humorous, I would like to suggest the concept that groups interested in further protecting predacious, fish eating birds, consider partnering with fish farmers to help capitalize the necessary investments. While this MUST be making someone smile, the SCIENTIFIC FACTS below are no joking matter.
Bird predation can cost 47-53% of production.
A one night loss of $20,000 can easily occur.
2002 cost to U.S. catfish industry > $25 MILLION.
Bird predation is spiking, fueled in part by climatic shifts.
50% of fish catches are aborted by cormorants.
Cormorants can consume greater than 1 Lb. of fish per day. We have a photo of over 200 yellow perch fingerlings (about 2-2.5 inches long) found in one cormorant.
In one study, 47% of 2 year old carp were injured with scars on 35% of body area.
Scarred fish are very difficult to sell.
“White pelicans came in one night and cleaned-out my ponds. I’m out of the fish business, and don’t know what I’m going to do”. (Personal communique from S.E Arkansas, 2019.)
“White cormorants can consume up to 2 Lbs. of fish per day and can shed thousands of eggs of the Bolbophorus catfish trematode during a single visit to ponds. This bird can have a disastrous effect on catfish production.” (SRAC Pub. No. 401)
Herons and even kingfishers are additional key links in “yellow grubs” and “black spot” disease.
Parasite infested or diseased fish are very difficult to sell.
Birds are known to “herd” fish, which can create over-crowding, O2 depletion, and resultant chronic stress causing disease, poor growth, etc.
Superior Aquaculture’s Raceways provide uniquely effective protection.
Forget about night patrols and get some sleep. Superior Aquaculture can have you “covered”.