New "Perfect Size" Small Pond Raceway
What is the “perfect size” fish farm system for small farms, backyard ponds, remote sites, and family food security? While there are lots of variables, which we continue to examine daily, it may come down to “how much do you value your food supply?”
Is quality, healthy food a priority for your family? Do you have neighbors, friends, or an extended family that might benefit? Is efficiency, including your time, and year-round operation important? Do you want a system that can potentially produce enough “extra” product that it will quickly pay for your investment? Do you want a system that is large enough to hold your interest long-term?
We believe that we have found the answer. It’s our new Model 24,000-6.5. Its dimensions are about 45 ft. long x 12 ft. wide and designed for about 6 ft. (or deeper) water. Depending upon species and geographic location, it can easily raise 10,000 – 20,000 Lbs./cycle. It’s so new that you may not yet find it listed in our standard website offerings. It is available only in North America.
Please stay tuned to the channel for more pretty exciting details to be reported very soon.