New High Production Aquaculture Charity Launched
Superior Aquaculture Charities, Inc., a non-profit organization, was recently launched to provide fish to those in need through a network of generous aquaculture enthusiasts.
Powered by Superior Aquaculture, LLC, a 20 year old, patent-holding, research and development company, the newly formed charity will partner with other non-profits, suppliers, and pond owners in the U.S. to establish community-based, “Pond to Pantry” fish farms.
The charity will also serve those beyond the United States. Trained volunteers are already working hard in several countries in Africa. Superior Aquaculture Charities, in collaboration with U.S.-based non-profits, especially churches, is working to establish 100% financially self-sufficient, environmentally friendly, community-based projects abroad.
Inquiries and suggestions appreciated.
“Every pond a potential food bank”.
Jay Warecki, Ph.D.
Superior Aquaculture, LLC
Mobile: 715-340-0932