Superior Raceways

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Coronavirus, COVID-19 and Fish Farming

Both the short-term and long-term impacts of the corona virus will be affecting all of us in the aquaculture sector for many years. This is the first in a series of rapidly developing observations and guidance aimed at “surviving hard times”. We hope that it will be helpful to all those interested in fish farming and improving our locally sourced food supply.

The all-to-common picture above does not need to have you and I in it---if we start preparing now for the next wave. It’s not a matter of “if”, but rather “when”?

Maybe the BEST NEWS, which we all could use some more of today, and which no one speaks about, is that living fish do not carry the coronavirus.  Be super happy if you do not raise hogs, poultry, beef, monkeys, or bats!  How about “swine flu”, “bird flu”, “hoof in mouth”, or some of the other diseases linked to drugs or dairy?

In the next few days, we will be unveiling new Superior Raceway models and support systems designed specifically to meet the emerging needs and interests flamed by the recent virus and its economic impact.

We hope that you will stay safe and follow us on this site as we prepare for the future.